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Symprove Original 4 week supply

Symprove Original 4 week supply

Regular price £79.00
Sale price £79.00 Regular price
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

When you order 8 weeks of Symprove get a further 4 weeks FREE from Symprove directly. You don't have to buy 8 weeks all at once. You can buy 4 weeks now and 4 weeks at a later date, and still claim your free pack. However, you must buy each pack within 10 weeks of each other.

To claim 4 weeks free, email your receipt for your previous 8 week supply to Include your name, address, mobile number and eircode.

Symprove is a food supplement. It is a probiotic, meaning it delivers live and active bacteria to your gut. Because it is in liquid form, and not broken down by the harsh acid of the stomach, all of the bacteria is delivered to the gut.

The bacteria in your gut co exists with viruses, fungi and yeasts. This is known as a microbiome. In order for your gut to work properly the microbiome needs to be sustained in a balance.

However, a diet low in insoluble fibers (wholemeal, fruit and vegetables, nuts, pulses, beans, lentils) lack of exercise, lack of sleep, low water intake, cigarette smokers, all damages our microbiome.

The bacteria in Symprove replenishes the microbiome, aids digestion, immunity and the production of vitamins and minerals. 

A balanced microbiome reduces constipation, bloating, inflammation, fatigue and low mood.

 It is recommended to use Symprove for at least 12 weeks. When you buy 8 weeks, your last 4 weeks are free.

 Take 70ml each morning, 10 mins before you eat or drink.




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