Urinary Tract Infection Scheme

Urinary Tract Infection Scheme


Melvin Pharmacy is part of a pilot project that allows us to provide antibiotics to women aged 16-64 with a urinary tract infection without the need to attend the GP.

If you have symptoms of a Urinary Infection which include; Pain on passing urine, Going to the bathroom more frequently or Cloudy urine, please call and book an appointment to see our Pharmacist.

We will complete a thorough consultation with you and determine if you have a urinary infection. You will generally be asked to provide a urine sample and give us permission to access you GP medication history. Exclusions to the service are listed below:

Aged <16 years

Anyone with 3 or more infections in one year

If following consultation a more serious UTI is evident

Aged > 64 years

Anyone with 2 or more previous infections in 6 months

If patient is Allergic to recommended antibiotics

Radio Interview

For Gut Sake – Siobhan McNulty Melvin Pharmacy Garrison on good Gut Health

Click on the above link to listen to my radio interview

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