What is Cortisol?
What is Cortisol?
Cortisol is a steroid hormone released by your adrenal glands in response to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which is secreted by the pituitary gland. It impacts numerous systems in your body, including:
Bone Growth: Supports bone development and repair.
Blood Pressure Control: Keep blood pressure steady.
Immune System Function: Regulates inflammation & immune responses.
Metabolism: Fats, carbohydrates and proteins are broken down for energy.
Nervous System Function: It affects mood, memory and neurological health.
Stress Response: Preparation for physical and emotional challenges.
What factors affect Cortisol levels?
What factors affect Cortisol levels?
Medications:Some drugs like estrogen-containing contraceptives or synthetic glucocorticoids (prednisone) raise cortisol levels.Stress:Physical or emotional stress increases cortisol.Pregnancy:Some women have naturally increased cortisol during pregnancy.
What does our test measure?
What does our test measure?
Our cortisol test looks at how much cortisol your blood contains - an important glucocorticoid hormone. This marker is critical for regulating your body response to stress, metabolism and well being. Appropriate measurement of cortisol levels diagnoses adrenal and pituitary gland disorders and provides prompt and efficient treatment.
What can I expect during the test?
What can I expect during the test?
Cortisol testing is done early in the morning when it is at its greatest level. You may be asked to skip vigorous exercise the day before to ensure accurate results.
A tiny blood sample is taken by finger prick. This process is quick and minimally invasive.
Your blood is put on a test card and analysed by sophisticated machine devices.
The whole test takes 15 minutes. Relax while the analysis is done.
Your cortisol levels will be given and their relevance to your health explained.
You may need additional tests, lifestyle changes or treatments based on these results to control your cortisol levels.